Tripe with Potato and Pork Hocks

May 11, 2011

Tripe with Potato and Pork Hocks

Tripe and Potato

Tripe and Potato

This dish is another one of my favorites. It is so wonderful to be brought up in an Italian family, where food plays such important part in your life. I thought I would spend some time just talking about how some of these meals came about.
Growing up poor meant that my parents would make dinner with ingredients that most people would discard and consider it garbage. But early in life I realized that some of the best food were the parts of the animal or of the fish that nobody ever ate. I remember my father coming home from Brooklyn where he worked with a bag of mystery meat from the butcher, God only new what was in that bag. Lambs brains or Capesells (lambs head) were some the most interesting foods my dad brought home along with some tripe and pigs knuckles. My mother would take that food and all her creativity turn it into something special. Who knew then, that those foods would be some of my favorite foods today?
This is where it all begins, my love of food and my desire to share those memories and food with friends and family. This dish may look over the top, but the flavor and ingredients make this dish a classic. Tripe is an acquired taste, but once you taste it and its cooked properly you will love it. If you have traveled out of the country, you know this a staple of many third world counties, where internal organs are to valuable to throw out. There is a lesson to be learned from the poor of this world and food that they eat..
I hope you enjoyed this little story. I’m creating new recipes all the time, join me on my blog and tell me what some of your most exotic food dishes are. Food can change your life; just give it a try….

2 Responses to “Tripe with Potato and Pork Hocks”

  1. I have had “Sonny’s” tripe recipies before and this is sure to be a hit.

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